Since 1990 he has worked profusely as an educator in the fields of composition, arranging, keyboards and directing ensemble workshops. In addition to giving private lessons, he is or has been part of the following institutions:
Escuela de Música Contemporánea (EMC): Chairman of the Harmony department. Teacher and designer of the academic programs for the subjects of music theory and composition.
New York University (NYU) in Buenos Aires: Teacher and designer of the course “The Music of Latin America”, relating to popular and folk music in that continent and intended for North-American liberal arts students.
New York University (NYU), New York City, USA: Teaching assistanship and paper grading in the subject of Music Theory.
E:MU Educación Musical (La Plata): Teacher and course designer for the subjects of arranging, composition, harmony, keyboards and ensemble workshops.
Instituto Tecnológico de Música Contemporánea (ITMC): Professor of harmony, arranging and ensemble workshops.
Escuela Popular de Música del SADEM (Sindicato Argentino de Músicos): Professor of harmony, arranging and ensemble workshops.